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Young Volunteers Fund

Graham Guilford Fund

‘The best thing I think I have gained via my experience at the railway is the amount of friends I have made – I was definitely nervous coming to stay for so long but the warmth, kindness and friendliness I received from everyone … and working on the railway was amazing.’  


‘The Fund … has enabled me to spend my summer most enjoyably whilst supporting the railway for which we all hold such a great affection. For this I am greatly indebted and I should like to thank Graham Guilford for bequeathing the funds, as well as … everyone else involved in the setting up and continued operation of this most useful resource for the young members of the railway.’


These quotes are from two recipients of grants from the ‘Graham Guilford Fund’. Graham Guilford was a member of the seasonal operating staff in the 1970s, and a much loved volunteer subsequently, who passed away before his time. However, he made a bequest to the Railway to establish a fund to help young volunteers with their living expenses in Tywyn, in memory of the times he spent working on the Talyllyn.

 Named in his honour grants from this fund have helped many young volunteers have extended stays in Tywyn. Several of them have gone on to very successful careers, aided by the experience the gained while working on the Railway. They also continue to be regular volunteers.

With the ‘squeeze’ in available, affordable, accommodation for volunteers we are currently experiencing it has been decided to try and expand the fund to help more young people have the opportunity of extended periods of volunteering with us. To this end we have set an initial target of £10,000 to extend the fund further.

You can also  send cheques made out to ‘Talyllyn Holdings Ltd’ to Tywyn  Wharf station. As ever if you can Gift Aid your gift then please enclose a ‘One Off Donation Form’, which can be downloaded from the main website at Please mark your cheques ‘Graham Guilford Fund’ on the reverse.

Please donate if you are able for these young volunteers are both our present and our future.

Recent Donations

21 donations

Anonymous 2 months ago
£75.00 (+ £18.75 giftaid)
Adrian 5 months ago
£10.00 (+ £2.50 giftaid)
In memory of Bill Lewis of Tywyn Gwynedd and Crewe Cheshire
Joseph 11 months ago
Anonymous 1 year ago
£10.00 (+ £2.50 giftaid)
In 1 year ago

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Donation Breakdown

Direct Donations
£1,077.11 (+ £172.50 giftaid)
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